4-H Clubs
Clubs range in a variety of subject areas and ages. They are run by volunteers and typically meet on a month basis.
How do I join a 4-H Club?
The best time to join the clubs is at their first meeting typically in October. We ask that you register in 4-H Online before coming to a club meeting; however, you may come to the first meeting without completing the paperwork so long as a parent or guardian stays. All club members must register in 4-H Online by November 30 each year. Some clubs require parents/guardians to stay on site so please check with the club leader before leaving.
*The 4-H year runs from October to September. Members must be turning the correct age within the 4-H year. (i.e.- A member who is 4 years old in October when the 4-H year starts but turning 5 years before September 30 of the following year is consider to be 5 years old in 4-H years.)
Members of our clubs must enroll in 4-H Online. If you are a new member, you will need to create a new profile and add your youth members. IMPORTANT!!! If you are joining in Dinwiddie, but live in another locality, you need to select Dinwiddie when registering so that our clubs appear. Returning members already have an account that was either created by the office or by self. Go to the 4-H Online website to complete this process before your next meeting.
- Zoo Crew
- Horsekateers
- Dinwiddie Top Shots
- FLEx Club
- Beaks, Beef, and Bacon
- 4 Does More Club
- STEM Club ( Homeschool Group)
- Tangled Manes
- Krazy K-9s
- Ages 5 - 8
- Meetings 1st Wednesday of each month starting in November.
- General interest club for youth just starting in 4-H. Focus on a different theme to learn about every year.
- Club leader: Kimberly Boze, kimberlyboze22@gmail.com

- Ages 9 - 18
- Deadline to join: Feb 1
- Meets 2nd Monday of each month at the Ragsdale Community Center from 6:30 to 7:30 PM
- Project Horse club that learns about horses and the equine industry. Compete in hippology and horse judging contests at the local and state level. No horse required.
- Club leader, Becky Tilson: bhtilson@yahoo.com
- Follow them on Facebook!

- Ages 9 - 18
- Archery, Rifle, and Shotgun club that teaches discipline, safety, and techniques in each discipline. No experience or equipment necessary to participate. Can participate in mulitple disciplines. Compete at local and state-wide events.
- Archery and rifle teams generally meet during the same time, while shotgun meets a different night
- Deadline to join: March 1
- Meetings vary by season and weather. Meetings at Dinwiddie Landfill (Wheelers Pond) depending on weather.
- Join the 4-H Page for info on meeting dates and times
- Club Coordinator: Laura Noyes, lauranoyes85@gmail.com
- Sign up for text reminders by texting @d4hsports to 81010
- Deadline to join: March 1
- Meeting every Tuesday from March-September from 6-8PM. Meetings at Dinwiddie Landfill (Wheelers Pond) depending on weather.
- Join the 4-H Page for info on meeting dates and times
- Club Coordinator: Hannah Bishop, hrobbins@vt.edu

- Ages 13 - 19
- Meets the 1st Thursday of every month from September to May at Dinwiddie High School from 2:30 to 3:30PM in rm 157
- Community club that volunteers in the community and helps plan summer camp and workshops. Many members serve as Teen Counselors, but not required.
- Club leader, Hannah Bishop: hrobbins@vt.edu
- Download the app Team Reach and use code d4hflex
- Check out the Counselor/CIT Site!

- Ages 5 - 19
- Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from September to June at the Ragsdale Community Center in McKenney from 6:30 to 7:30PM (No meeting this December)
- Animal club focusing on farm animals and household pets. Members do not have to have any pets or farm animals to join
- Club leaders: April Schnepf, 434-294-3091; Jay Schnepf, 804-731-0580
- Sign up for text reminders by texting @d4hbacon to 81010
- Follow them on Facebook!

- Ages 9-13
- Meet 4th Tuesday of every month (September to May) from 6 to 7PM at the Dinwiddie Extension Office
- Service learning club that participates in community service activities and other activities throughout the year.
- Sign up for text reminders by texting @d4h4dm to 81010 or searching that code in the Remind App
- Club leader, Heather Dowling: heather.dowling@dof.virginia.gov
DUE TO THE LARGE VOLUME of interested youth, this club required pre-registration for each meeting. Spots will be limited for the year!
- Ages 5-18
- Meet 2nd Thursday of every month (September to May) from 2 to 4PM at the Ragsdale Community Center
- Home school youth gathering with a focus on STEM and animal science lessons
- Sign up for text reminders by texting @4hschool to 81010 or searching that code in the Remind App
- Club leader: Melissa Anderson, melissaanderson@vt.edu
- Ages 9-18
- Meet 2nd Thursday of every month from 6 to 7PM at Cockade Stables (9208 Fort Dushane Road, Petersburg, VA 23805)
- Project Horse Club for youth interested in learning about horses through hands-on activities. Horse ownership is not required to participate. Closed toed shoes required (no crocs, boots preferred)
- This club uses the Team Reach App. Download the app and use code 20231001 to join.
- Club leaders: Amy Greico, 804-586-2119, khcstables@gmail.com; McKenna Grieco, 804-586-4935 (texting preferred)
- Ages 9-18
- Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 6 to 7PM at the Dinwiddie Extension Office
- Project Dog Club
- Sign up for text reminders by texting @d4hdog to 81010 or searching that code in the Remind App
- Club leader: Carrie Lamoreaux, carrielamoreaux@yahoo.com