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Dinwiddie County 4-H Youth Development

Dinwiddie 4-H has a wide variety of programs that focus on hands-on, experiential learning. Our clubs and programs are available for youth ages 5 to 19. We rely on our knowledgeable volunteers to lead clubs and programs so that we can reach as many youth in Dinwiddie. We hope you will find a program that interests you and your youth.

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Want to Support your Local 4-H Program?

Dinwiddie 4-H is a non-profit organization and relies on donations to keep programs at a low-cost for participants. All of our scholarships are funded directly by local individuals, businesses, and community organizations. There are many ways to give and not just financially. We look for volunteers with specialized knowledge and interests to run our many programs and are always in need of volunteers for in-school and after-school programs.

To make a financial dontation to our general program funds, you can click below or for more mobile-friendly giving, click here or text 4H to 51555 to receive a link directly on your phone.

Dinwiddie 4-H is lucky enough to have lots of community support. So much support, in fact, that a local foundation has pledged to give at a 5 to 1 ratio on top of what others give to support our endowment named in memory of Alvin Blaha, a local farmer and advocate. That means for every $10 gifted to the endowment, we receive an additional $50 from the foundation. To contribute to this fund that will support Dinwiddie 4-H in perpetuity, download the PDF file below and mail to Dinwiddie 4-H at P.O. Box 399, Dinwiddie, VA 23841.

Endowment Pledge Form.pdf